主演:金安歌辛静王铁成孙飞虎 | |
语言:国语 | 字幕:中英文 |
介质:2 DVD | |
出版社: | 产地:中国大陆 |
经销商: 广州俏佳人 | |
ISRC: CN-E22-05-0730-0/V.J9 |
影片以我国现代史上震惊中外的重大事件“西安事变”为背景,描写了国民党爱国将领张学良、杨虎城如何发动西安事变以及我们党促成这次事件和平解决的曲折过程。 Xi’an Incident, which shocks China and the world in 1936, is one of the most important matters in China’s modern history. This movie reveals how the patriotic general Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng started the incident and how the CPC promotes its peaceful settlement. |