主演:无 | |
语言:国语 | 字幕:中文 |
介质:2 DVD | |
出版社: | 产地:中国大陆 |
经销商: 广州俏佳人 | |
ISRC: CN-E22-03-0109-0/V.J9 |
一场史无前例的政治风暴席卷华夏大地。 转移贺龙,保护陈毅,制止鞍钢停产,他竭尽全力护卫一代英才,维系国家机器的正常运转;震惊世界的“9·13”事件发生了,林彪反革命集团星夜叛逃国外,周恩来得到毛泽东的支持,力挽狂澜,稳定局势,出色地指挥了这场斗争。 周恩来主持中央工作,经济秩序开始恢复。厄运却又一次降临到周恩来头上,他患了不治之症——癌,“四人帮”恰又掀起“倒周”浪潮,周恩来以70高龄的带病之躯进行最后一搏。 Summary: An unprecedented storm of politics sweeps the whole country of China. To transfer General He Long, protect General Chen Yi and stop An Gang Steel Plant from stopping production, Premier Zhou Enlai devotes himself to protect talents of the country and help maintain the country in sound running. After the 9.13 incident, namely the counterrevolutionary coup, takes place which startles the whole world, the counterrevolutionary headed by Lin Biao flee to a foreign country the same night, while Zhou Enlai, trusted and backed up by Chairman Mao, makes vigorous efforts to turn the situation and help stabilize the country. The national economy rebounds after Zhou Enlai takes charge of the central government. But unfortunately, Zhou Enlai comes down with cancer. “the gang of four” counterrevolutionary partisan takes the advantage to overthrow him. Zhou Enlai, who is already seriously ill in his 70s, stands up against the enemy with his last drop of “weak flesh” for the interest of the whole country. |