主演:石兰张丰毅吕丽萍 | |
语言:国语 | 字幕:中英文 |
介质:1 DVD | |
出版社: | 产地:中国大陆 |
经销商: 广州俏佳人 | |
ISRC: CN-H02-07-0040-0/V.J9 |
推土车司机郑加农因长年受病痛所困,妻子离他而去。护士麦群发现前来治疗的郑加农曾经是她在部队医院护理过的英雄。回忆往事,麦群暗生情愫。她给处于绝望中的郑加农带来了精神上的安慰,陪伴他走完了人生的最后旅程。 Zheng Jianong, a bulldozer driver, has been suffering from illness for years and his wife leaves him. Mai Qun, a nurse, finds out that Zheng Jianong under treatment is the hero she once nursed in the army hospital. Recalling the past, Mai Qun falls in love with him. She brings comfort to the desperate Zheng, accompanying him for his last few days. |